Kunstverein | CIVIC VIRTUE: Grand Tour 2012


The “Grand Tour 2012” departs from the neo-classical tradition in which Northern European aristocrats travelled south for their cultural education. CIVIC VIRTUE makes a similar journey, starting from an interest in the signs and symbols that define our surroundings and the power structures that shape(d) it. CIVIC VIRTUE then moves on to create new metaphors and new structures of meaning in their quest for contemporary, utopian ideals.

To finalise their residency in Milan, CIVIC VIRTUE presented the results of their explorations of the city and their new work produced on site. Also on view was a preview of the “Grand Tour movie”, with a soundtrack created by Natalia Dominguez in collaboration with CIVIC VIRTUE.

CIVIC VIRTUE was established in 2009 around a shared interest in social communities. It is an aesthetic experiment positioned at the crux of revolt and revival, renewal and conservation, and which provides a dynamic social platform in which to create useful signs for the future. CIVIC VIRTUE is a neoclassical revival, which organizes itself around symbols of power and virtue. CIVIC VIRTUE is currently on a Grand Tour around Europe, through the entrails of history and past important monuments of revival.

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