The gallery for immaterial works of art, now also in Milan! Evolution de l’Art is a gallery for contemporary art, which only sells artworks that are immaterial, with no physical residue, and it does not release certificates of authenticity, nor statements or receipts.
After Amsterdam, Bratislava and Brussels, Evolution de l’Art opens a branch in Milan with the intention to trace some of the most interesting artistic practices.
Artists: Paola Anziché, Heman Chong, Michelangelo Consani, Ivan Moudov, Daniele Maffeis, Ruth Sacks & Simon Gush, Alessandro Nassiri Tabibzadeh, Italo Zuffi
Curated by: Kunstverein (Milano) e Valerio Del Baglivo
Download catalogue here
Watch the video of the vernissage on undo.net
Evolution de l’Art is a gallery for contemporary art, which only sells artworks that are immaterial, with no physical residue, and it does not release certificates of authenticity, nor statements or receipts.
The gallery Evolution de l’Art arises from a collaboration between SPACE (Juraj Carny, Diana Majdakova and Lydia Pribisova) and Cesare Pietroiusti in 2007. Evolution de l’Art takes the well-known lecture by Yves Klein, entitled “L’évolution de l’art vers l’immatériel” as its starting point. In it Klein foresees an immaterial future for artistic practice and research.
Kunstverein (Milano), in collaboration with independent curator Valerio Del Baglivo, continues thus, its survey of the field of contemporary artistic languages, with the intention to reflect, also, on the value of artistic production and its capacity to generate experimental art market strategies.
The Milanese venue of EdlA intends to focalise its offering on three specific principles, conceived as a way to reflect on the value of artistic production and its capacity to generate ‘profit’ in the broadest sense of the term:
1. Interpersonal Relations;
2. Reciprocal Exchange (barter);
3. Investment.
Evolution de l’Art counts about 80 affiliated artists. On the occasion of the opening of the Milanese branch eight additional and new works of art are presented: Paola Anziché offers a personalised coaching session to liberate oneself of the use of chemical products for personal hygene; Heman Chongproposes a performance to be executed by the ‘acquirer’ of the work: one hour of silence for 365 consecutive days; Michelangelo Consani suggests the purchase of a blog dedicated to the notion of disappearance, which will disappear at an unknown moment; A Lesson of “fair” shopping provided by Daniele Maffeis; and whereas Ruth Sacks & Simon Gush allow an investment in their own personal monetary union; Ivan Moudov proposes investments in the publishing business; Alessandro Nassiri Tabibzadeh keeps important personal revelations save, and, a visit to an old masterpiece is rewarded with gratitude by Italo Zuffi, who also makes some of his personal letters public, at a certain cost, during the opening of Evolution de l’Art, Milano.
For Information and appointments
tel. +39 338 618 7321 | 339 3283315
www.evolutiondelart.net |www.kunstverein.it | info(at)kunstverein.it